Friday 18 August 2017

A spontaneous poem

Hello, just a surprise post here.

I've dabbled a little bit with poetry and when I met up with an old friend of mine she told me a little story about a tree that inspired me to write it in poetry form. Here is "The Tree of Might"!

Tree of Might

I wish I could climb up that tree of might,
Filled with dreams and wonders ever wanted,
Not with stress and pain but magic and flight,
Reason is, it had for years me daunted.

I set my mind to climb that tree of might,
My life and potential was the offer,
I could care less, nothing else was in sight,
Quick - before I end up in my coffer!

With blood, sweat and tears I climb up that tree,
Losing my limbs on the way to the crown,
Didn’t matter, I gladly paid the fee,
Failure meant forever being a clown.

I’m up, even above the tree’s own crown,
Why, am I wishing I was on the ground?

Hope you like it!

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