Tuesday 18 July 2017

Inspiration from Reddit 2

Another writing prompt from Reddit!

"Ok, time to confess, who opened the gates to another dimension?"

Submitted by user /granthinton

This one was a fun since it's so vague in the genre and you had a lot of freedom to write. It could be a fantasy, urban fantasy, sci-fi or anything in between.

When I saw the prompt, I knew exactly how I wanted to write.


There were shuffling in the group, no one dared to look the manager in the eyes. Well, it’s understandable since there was a big round shimmering circle next to him and you could see hideous monsters inside trying to crawl out. Each time a tentacle tried to dart out of the circle, the manager would hit it with his iron rod and a squeal would erupt as the tentacle quickly contracted.

The office was a mess. The walls had claw marks, desks were either flipped over or cut in half. At least the lamps were still intact and gave clear light to the four persons standing in the middle.

“Once again, who was it?” asked the manager. His stale green eyes pierced through his three employees and locked sight onto the one that was fidgeting the most, the youngling with disheveled brown hair and poor posture swaying dangerously back and forth. You could breathe on the boy and he would crumble. “Valko, got anything to say?”

The young boy named Valko started to, if possible, tremble more. His gaze shifted to the other two workers for some guidance or support but both of them ignored his plea for help, preferring to stare up into the office lamps.

“Well, sir…” said Valko slowly while licking his dry lips, buying time to collect himself. “Our client was dissatisfied with the product we presented to her. And as a last resort to show something more…exotic, I suggested opening the dimension to Ubhizh where she could pick and choose what she liked.”

The manager looked down on the ruined floor covered in papers and blood but also a single pile of torn clothes.

“Did our client find something that piqued her interest?” he asked as he bent down to collect the outspread papers while occasionally swatting a claw or extremity trying to get out from the portal.

There were once again shuffling in the group. The other two employees gave a look to Valko who nodded hesitantly.

“Ehm, yes,” said Valko carefully. “She was thrilled when she saw a Kosd’ Hosh and demanded that we brought it before her.”

“Which you did?” asked the manager.

“Which we did,” said Valko staring at the ground not daring to meet with those stale green eyes.

The manager gathered the scattered papers into a pile which he gave to one of the other workers and turned once again to the portal with a pondering look. 

“Why Ubhizh?” asked the manager.

Valko swallowed once again before he answered.

“Well, Mrs. Thora is an avid fan of the occult, she has occasionally mentioned about her love for Lovecraftian horrors and that she would love to see beings that resembled those monsters before she died, to paraphrase a bit. That’s why when she wasn’t happy with the dragon hatchling I thought maybe a being from Ubhizh would suit her since I heard from my seniors mentioning that they looked like cosmic horrors.”

The manager nodded in understanding and collected the torn clothes which seemed to have been part of a dress and found a sandal underneath the pile of fabric.

“I guess she was thrilled over the void beast?” asked the manager.

“Ehm, yes,” said Valko fidgeting a bit more. “The thing is...as soon as Mrs. Thora paid for our services she demanded to take a walk with the Kosd’ Hosh…and since she was the customer we could only oblige…”

The manager nodded and went back to the portal with the torn clothes he previously collected and dumped it through the gate. He closed the portal with an incantation and prepared to leave the office but not before he patted Valko on the shoulder.

“Atta’ boy.”

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