Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Reddit Flash Fiction - A story set in a forest and somehow include a pocketwatch [300 words or less]

Source where you can read other lovely submissions made by other reddit users!

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Why was it known as the ‘Sea of Trees’?
When the wind brushed past the forest, the leaves rustled like the ripples on water. A popular explanation that I didn’t agree with. I had my own idea.
Just like the seas and oceans, secrets rested at the depth of this forest.
The woods welcomed me with the smell of earth. A stillness permeated the air. No birds chirped. Only the sound of my footsteps trodding further inside.
I saw the remains of humans in the forest. Some decomposed beyond recognition and giving off a vile smell that made me gag. I grimaced when I passed an especially rotten body, wondering if I would turn out like that.
My eyes scanned around, determined to find a suitable tree and it only took a few more encounters with the dead until I stumbled upon it. Tall with a glorious crown of leaves. The trunk, however, all thin and gangly. A breeze of wind made it sway, releasing a groaning creak. It threatened to break if pushed just a bit more. Yes, this one was perfect.
I hurried closer but saw in horror that it was already occupied. A dirty skeleton in its Sunday clothes rested next to the trunk. I gazed down and saw its bony hand holding a golden pocket watch.
I knelt down to get a better look on the ornament. The once white dial now a faded yellow and a large crack split the glass in three. The watch ticked loud and clear, matching the beats from my heart. Time was still moving.
The sun had faltered when I left the forest. The golden watch in my breast pocket ticked softly.
Would I return back to the bottom of the ‘Sea of Trees’ when it stopped?

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Thanks for reading!